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Monthly Archives: November, 2006

Getting https pages with Perl

Perl's LWP package is a great way to get web pages and display the content of the resulting http header. Out of the box...

Using Java Web Start with Opera

Out of the box the Opera web browser is not setup to run jnlp files, therefore java webstart will not run properly.  To fix...

Adding LDAP Authentication to a Site

Add the following entry to the VirtualHost <Directory "/var/www/html"> order allow,deny allow from all AuthName "Staff only" AuthType Basic AuthLDAPURL ldap://localhost/dc=example,dc=com require valid-user </Directory>

Security failure. Data decryption error. When using IE on a Mac

On Mac OS X when opening a new IE window from a site running under https there is no content in the window and...

Link down on RedHat Linux 3

On RedHat Enterprise 3 Linux on VMWare each interface link is always down. The following needs to be added to all the ifcfg-eth in /etc/sysconfig/networking-scripts/ check_link_down()...

No output from the Console when connecting to a Server running on Linux

The problem is that the vmx file is not executable.  Go to the VM directory and run: chmod 755 *.vmx Then restart the vmware server, output...

Syslogd Stops working after installing VMWare Server

Seems that VMWare server adds a new service to the /etc/service file.  If you have SELinux running the file's security context changes. To fix run: /sbin/restorecon...

Mounting ISO in Linux

To mount an ISO file in linux so it turns up as a directory structure do the following: mount -o loop -t iso9660 filename.iso /mnt/iso Simple...

Installing Java on Fedora Core 3 using JDK 1.4.2

Excellent Howto for setting up Tomcat5 from jpackage.org on RedHat Fedora Core3. http://www.mksearch.mkdoc.org/howto/jpackage-sun-fc3/ But required JDK 1.4.2 to be used in place of 1.5 Downloaded http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/jpackage/1.6/generic/non-free/SRPMS/java-1.4.2-sun-  rpm -Uvh java-1.4.2-sun- Download...

Setting up sshd for Public Key Authentication

To create key only authentication the users public key needs to be put on the server in their home directory under .ssh/authorizated_keys. Create the users...

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