Linux Cyrus Imapd 2.2.12 and Autocreate Patch By markcallen 2006-11-14 0 346 Share FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Must read Connecting Feature Flags with DORA Metrics 2022-10-19 Non-boolean Feature Flags 2022-10-13 VIM & Tmux Basics 2022-08-29 Upgrading from Ubuntu 12.10 to 14.04 2017-02-03 markcallen Building cyrus-imapd 2.2.12 with the autocreate patch causes an error when compiling. To fix edit the imap/Makefile and add the following to the end of the CPPFLAGS parameter -I../et Then resume the make. Share this:FacebookX Share FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Previous articleOracle XE web server returns HTTP 400 Bad RequestNext articleSetting up sshd for Public Key Authentication More articles VIM & Tmux Basics 2022-08-29 Upgrading from Ubuntu 12.10 to 14.04 2017-02-03 OpenSUSE 11.1 for Vagrant 2014-06-05 LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Comment: Please enter your comment! Name:* Please enter your name here Email:* You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Website: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ Latest article Connecting Feature Flags with DORA Metrics 2022-10-19 Non-boolean Feature Flags 2022-10-13 VIM & Tmux Basics 2022-08-29 Upgrading from Ubuntu 12.10 to 14.04 2017-02-03 Vagrant machine status 2015-03-29